For The Bands

  • Want to play?

    Our audience is ready to listen. OFF THE AIR considers artists who are ready to share original content. We know that "indie" as a genre is a big umbrella term for lots of styles, but we trust that you know what you're doing. If you think you're a good fit for our audiences, click the link below to share links to your music and connect with us.

  • Payment

    Compensation details depend on the event type. If you're a touring band and require an offer and guarantee, let's talk. If you just want to play a show and get audience experience, we're all ears. Sometimes, our budget necessitates focusing on local acts to keep the music going, and other times, we can make big things happen. Regardless, we will always be transparent and work with everything we've got.

  • Modesto? What's It Like?

    We don't let anyone yuck our yum. Modesto's OFF THE AIR audience and broader community is filled to the brim with folks who practice radical generosity and hospitality. We often hear from touring bands that our stop is always a favorite thanks to good food, a great audience, our wonderful hotel partner and venue partner, and a kind, helpful, and respectful crew of people who have plenty of their own touring experience. WE GET IT. We get the jitters, the hunger, and the load-in/load-out scaries. That's all. We want to welcome you WELL.

    For smaller shows, the venue is in a downstairs speakeasy space, underground, with a utility elevator to make everything easy. Full bar, all ages, in the heart of downtown Modesto. Larger shows are upstairs in a large, historic, brick-walled venue fit for the party.

    You'll have a downtown concierge and other amenities as needed and arranged.